Opening Sept 2024 -- Transformative Access: Activating Disability Desires

For 2024-2025 113 Research will be working with WIAprojects and Gallery 1313 on a Toronto Arts Council funded project, Transformative Access: Activating Disability Desires.

In “Transformative Access: Activating Disability Desires”, the “disabled” bodies we inhabit foreground our concerns as we, emerging and established artists/designers, curators, project leaders, and advisors, take on critical exploratory work. Here the thematic, creative forms, and community practices are embodied with our pain, frustration, confusions, limitations, desires, loves and cares.

As “disabled” people, our bodies exist in tension with the normalized expectations of ordered bodies. In "Transformative Access," we examine how our bodies’ experiences remake our worlds. In conversation with ideologies, people, policies, and structures, we ask, how can the "crip" body act, given its creative potential, be centred in these practices, and be resilient to ableism.

We ask, “What can a body do...?” But then further expand this to, “What can a body do to… “? What can a body do to architectural structures, institutional expectations, medical practices, and to the very conditions that first created inaccessibility? What can a body do to realize its desires for liberatory and intimate access, to press itself, in Czech feminist Katerina Kolarova’s words, to imagine “crip horizons” — alternative possibilities in which disability can be desirable, and the structures surrounding it, profoundly contested?

OCAD Fall Press: Here

Fall: Pam Patterson & Mel Rapp in Ocular Occurrences
Winter: nancy halifax (exhibit title TBA)

Upcoming Events OCAD University:

Fall - Workshop on Disability  Aesthetics and Access Curation with Pam Patterson (CRIP Lab), Cathy Cappon & Victoria Ho (ODESI), Jack Hawk (Tangled Arts & Disability & Co-Curator Gallery 1313 Curator, Window Box Gallery), Grace MacDonald (Curator, 113Research), Mason Smart, Gallery 1313 Co-Curator for Window Box Gallery).  

Winter - Public Talks TBC with Megh Dorward, nancy halifax & Miguel Jose Esteban 

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